Top向学新聞2019年6月1日号 特集 アフリカ>Michael Yidinne Bationo (Burkina Faso)

Michael Yidinne Bationo (Burkina Faso)
ミカエル イディンヌ バティオノ(ブルキナファソ)

International University of Japan Graduate School of International Relations (GSIR)
ABE Initiative 5th batch participant

The development of the African continent will come from its youth



It is an honor for me on this unique occasion to serve as a living testimony of the vitality of the relationship Africa and Japan have been nurturing over several decades. As a witness, it is also my pleasure to share my insights of what I like to label as a “win-win” partnership between two developments giants and unique cultural identities.

I am BATIONO Yidinne Michael, born and raised in Burkina Faso and proud African. Coming from one end of the planet to study and evolve on the other one, I have been frequently asked by my hosts: “Burkina Faso wa doko desuka?”. Answering this question is each time an opportunity to shed light on the country where I forged my identity and strongly rooted in my belief system that in a more and more connected world, taking a chance to meet and learn from those who share with me a similar or even a different experience will give me the tools to help bridging the knowledge gap essential to any sustainable growth. Burkina Faso, also known as the country of honorable and honest people is a 274,200 km2 landlocked country located in West Africa and surrounded by six countries, making it a crossroad area in the region.

Before landing in Japan nine months ago, I completed a 5-year stay in Senegal, another West African country where I completed a bachelor’s in business administration and a master’s degree in project management.


Aware that the development of the African continent will come from its youth and fascinated the Japanese business culture and history, I successfully applied for the ABE Scholarship and I am pursuing a master’s degree in international relations. I am convinced that this additional formation will provide me with the necessary skillset allowing a better understanding of the interests that lead countries in their relations with others, the means to mirror the development success stories I am encountering in my homeland and the opportunity to share an African approach on the Japanese land. In line with the ABE Program goals, I want to be a bridge linking Japan and Burkina Faso and ultimately serve to make not only Africa and Japan but the whole planet a better place.

The TICAD 7 is a needed exchange platform to consolidate the cooperation between Japan Africa. I expect this conference to be the ordeal for the elaboration of policies compliant the domestic situation of each participants and an effective orientation of the Japanese aid. As an example, in Burkina Faso, the agricultural sector is one of the locomotives of the economy and is set to benefit to the whole world.

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